XLSX file data read-write library that operates with native cell addresses like A1 or R1C1.
This class was designed for server-side manipulations with uploaded spreadsheets in Microsoft® Excel™ 2007-2011-2013 file format – OpenXML SpreadsheetML.
Current version of this library allows to read user-uploaded file contents and to write data to preliminary uploaded template file and send it back to the user:
This library offers the easiest way to make Excel™-based data exchange with information systems written in PHP.
Users are no longer need to convert Excel™ spreadsheets to CSV and other formats, they can simply upload data to the website using their worksheets.
You can use files received from users as your website’s output document templates with 100% match of cell formats, sheet layout, design, etc. With eiseXLSX you can stop wasting your time working on output documents layout – you can just ask your customer staff to prepare documents they’d like to see in XLSX format. Then you can put these files to the server and fill them with necessary data using PHP.
Unlike other PHP libraries for XLSX files manipulation eiseXLSX is simple, compact and laconic. You don’t need to learn XLSX file format to operate with it. Just use only cell addresses in any formats (A1 and R1C1 are supported) and data from your website database. As simple as that.
Based on:
Simple XLSX
@author kirik mail@kirik.ws
@version 0.1
Developed under GNU General Public License, version 3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt
Package: eiseXLSX https://github.com/easyise/eiseXLSX
Copyright: (c) 2012-2017 Ilya S. Eliseev
License: GNU Public License http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
Version: 1.9beta
Author: Ilya Eliseev ie@e-ise.com, Continutors: Igor Zhuravlev, Dmitry Zakharov
Uses: SimpleXML, DOM
The class that creates objects with Excel workbooks inside. Public class methods are allowing to make any declared manupulations with the workbook.
The constructor. It reads Excel workbook supplied as the template or data source to read. It can be either XLSX file or unzipped one, into the directory speicfied in $templatePath parameter. Unzipping XLSX files will reduce your server CPU load ;).
Also it parses all XMLs inside the workbook and makes all the necessary preparations for future data read and manipulations.
If $templatePath parameter is omitted it reads default template. If path’s not found it throws an exception (object of eiseXLSX_Exception class).
Category: Read / Write
eiseXLSX::data() function reads or sets data for cell with specified $cellAddress. If parameter $data is omitted, function just returns current cell data. If $data contains something, function tries to set it. Data types note:
Category: Sheet manipulations
Returns: string - cell data before new value is set (if any).
This function returns contents of drop-down list for given cell, if Data Validation / List option is activated for given cell. If there’s no list, this function returns NULL, if reference to drop-down list cell range is broken, it returns FALSE. Otherwise it returns associative array with origin cell addresses as keys and cell data as values. Function eiseXLSX::getDataByRange() (that uses eiseXLSX::data()) is used to obtain cell data. eiseXLSX::getDataValidatioList() can be useful when you need to obtain contents of reference tables of spreadsheet fields when you try to import the workbook into the database. NOTE: This function supports only local cell range references, within current workbook. If requested cell takes drop-down list values from another workbook, function returns FALSE. NOTE: Function supports only single-row or single-columns references to drop-down cell range. Otherwise it returns FALSE.
Category: Sheet manipulations
Returns: mixed - NULL if there’s no data validation, associative array of drop-down values with origin cell addresses as keys and FALSE in case of broken/invalid reference to drop-down cell range.
This function returns an array of data obtained from the specified $range. This range can be as well as formula-formatted (e.g. “Sheet 2!$A1:$B12”) as normal particular range (like “B15:B50”). Cell list, range list and other range formats are NOT SUPPORTED (YET). Reference sheets (if any) should exist in the same workbook as current sheet. Empty values are not returned. If range cannot be located, function returns FALSE.
Category: Sheet manipulations
Returns: array of data obtained from range with R1C1 address as keys and values as they’ve been obtained with data() function. If range cannot be located, function returns FALSE.
This method returns number of rows in active sheet.
Category: Sheet manipulations
Returns: int - row number of the last row.
Fills cell at $cellAddress with color $fillColor or clears cell off any background color, if $fillColor is set to NULL, 0 or ‘’. If cell is not found or color string is wrongly specified, it throws an exception.
Category: Cell decoration
Returns: simpleXML object that represents specified cell.
This function returns fill color of cell located at $cellAddress. Color is returned as W3C hexadecimal value that starts with hash symbol. If cell is not found it throws an exception.
WARNING: in current version this function doesn’t take into account alfa channel information stored in first ‘two bytes’ of OpenXML color information string. It presumes that there’s always ‘FF’ mask in alha channel (no transparency).
Category: Cell decoration
Returns: string Color in W3C format.
eiseXLSX::cloneRow() method clones row with number $ySrc to $yDest, other existing cells are moved down by one position. All row contents and styles are simply copied from origin. It returns simpleXML object with cloned row. WARNING: In version 1.6 this method is not friendly to PrintAreas, it they exist and include cells below cloned one. You’ll probalby receive ‘Currupted file’ message from Excel. WARNING: This function wasn’t tested for cloning rows from down to up: it’s recommended to use it only if $ySrc < $yDest, i.e. when your origin row is upper than destination.
Category: Sheet manipulations
Returns: object simpleXML object with newly added row
This function returns sheet ID as specified in sheetId attribute of the officeDocument.
Category: Workbook manipulations
Returns: string - sheet ID if sheet found in current workbook, otherwise false.
Function sets sheet with specified $id as active. Internally, $this->_cSheet becomes a sheet with $id. If such sheet cannot be located in the workbook, function throws an exception. NOTICE: sheet numbers (Id’s) are started from 1 in speadSheetML.
Category: Workbook manipulations
Returns: object SimpleXML object that represents the sheet.
This method clones original sheet with sheetId supplied with $originSheetId parameter into new one labeled as $newSheetName New sheet doesn’t become active. eiseXLSX::cloneSheet() returns sheetId of newly created sheet.
Category: Workbook manipulations
Returns: string $newSheetId - id of sheet added to the workbook.
This method changes sheet tab label for specified sheet with $sheetId to $newName.
Category: Workbook manipulations
Returns: null
removeSheet() method deletes the sheet specified with $id parameter.
Category: Workbook manipulations
Returns: null
This method outputs Excel sheet, with the following destination options specified in $dest parameter:
There’s some smart guess option added for $dest parameter: if you specify only $fileName - omitted $dest will be set to ‘D’. If $fileName containes directory separators - omitted $dest will be set to ‘F’
Below are the examples of typical usage scenarios:
$xlsx->Output('my_workbook.xlsx', 'D');
- user will see download prompt with the file named ‘my_workbook.xlsx’$xlsx->Output('my_workbook.xlsx');
- the same, user will see download prompt with the file named ‘my_workbook.xlsx’$xlsx->Output('/var/files/my_workbook.xlsx', 'F');
- file will be saved on server$xlsx->Output('my_workbook.xlsx', 'F');
- file will be saved at server in current working directory$xlsx->Output('/my_workbook.xlsx');
- file will be tried to save on server root$my_workbook = $xlsx->Output();
- variable $my_workbook will contain workbook file content. Usable when you need to make mail attachment, for example.Category: Read / Write
Returns: string Workbook file name when $dest=”F” or string with workbook content when $dest=”S”. When $dest=”I” or “D” it quits PHP with die().
checkAddressInRange() function checks whether given cell belong to specified cell address range.
Category: Cell address routines
Returns: boolean - true if cell belongs to the range, false otherwise
This function returns array of top-left and bottom-right coordinates of particular range area.
Category: Cell address routines
Returns: array - array(array($x_left, $x_right), array($y_top, $y_bottom)) where x and y are column and row number correspondingly.
Receives cell address in R1C1 or A1 format and returns address variations as array.
Array members are: abscissa, ordinate, A1 and R1C1 -formatted addresses.
Category: Cell address routines
Returns: array [ $x, $y, $a1, $r1c1 ]
Throwable class for exceptions.
Class constructor, updates message and prints debug backtrace.
Allows to get message directly from the caught exception